It’s Life


I was broken. I was hurt.

My pain makes me cry

Agony inside is strong,

Burning my soul into ashes,

Why me?

Why did you hurt me?

I was deep in my thoughts…

And then,

Someone knocked the door

I heard a voice,

What happened to my little princess?

Hiding my tears in my smile

“Nothing Dad, just like that”.

Don’t lie 
“I am your father & know you better than you”

He says,“Angels can fly because they take themselves so lightly.”-G.K. Chesterton

I smiled,

Rest in his arms,

Gulped down my pains,

Wake up for a fresh start…

Linking my post with  Write Tribe's 100 Words on Saturday

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  1. It's a heart warming post, stroking kindness of a father and love for the child. Superb.

  2. Thanks Vishal and yes it is true that father and child always share a special bond.


Lillie McFerrin Writes

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