When Dad shed a silent tear


Today my day started with a call to my father, where he narrated a Father's Day poem over phone. All the childhood memories with my father once again became fresh. My father, a man of strong words, fun loving and my father is also a great foodie. He never set boundaries for me and gave me all the freedoms that I asked from him. Still, he had some principles that I followed and respected all through my life. May be, those principles shaped me as a person that I am today.

I never saw my father brought office work at home. He was a complete family man who loved to play with me after his tiring day at office without any signs of depression. As well as, he fixed my study hours too. At one time, he always made me feel that “he is liberal and easy going” while at other time, he was “strict” in some situations. During my teens, it was very hard for me to understand, but now, each action of him reminded me the “grown up phase” of my life. Thanks for your guidance Papa…

He had his own circle of friends, but never forgot his daughter and wife in the due course of time. Sometimes, my mother mocked at me and my father and said “You and your father are same”. I always smiled because, I also wanted to become like my father- generous, helpful, independent and strong. Some of my attitudes and behaviors are like my father, which I really love to flaunt being a daughter.

I remember, when I used to do any mistake or took any wrong decision in my life, he felt sad, he even scold me, but never did I see tears in his eyes. But, I cannot forget the day when I left my home forever and entered into a new life after marriage. He was happy that his daughter “got married” and he was not crying like I did. But, his eyes said “my princes is gone to her house forever and she will only come to this house as a guest”. OMG! As I am writing, tears rolled through my eyes too. I miss him each day, but now, I have my own family and responsibilities.

I want to Thank You Papa for the strength in me that straightaway comes from You. I feel proud to be your daughter and want to be your daughter even in my next birth. I Love You.

‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’ & #MondayMusings

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  1. Happy to read your post ☺️

  2. Touching story.
    Happy Father's Day to your dad. :D

  3. So lovely, Dipannta. Love the choice he made not to bring work home!

  4. Yes Corinne. I never saw my father brought office work at home till date...

  5. Yes Corinne. I never saw my father brought office work at home till date...


Lillie McFerrin Writes

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