Precaution before Holi


Only 1 day left…. Hah!

My dear Holi is there, the festival of colors. Holi, the welcome of spring season. Holi without colors is like pen without ink. What say guys?

Whole year millions of people like me wait for this special festival where I can take my happy revenge with lots of colors. Limitless fun with family, friends and off course with your crush in your locality….

Oh dats too freaky! However, again it’s true even. Hope, I could get my childhood back. For now, memories will do.

Holi colors can be dangerous for our hair and skin. Only just little bit attention, and play safe Holi.
I am ready to take precaution. Are you ready?

Playing Holi with Eco-friendly colors is one of the best ideas. However, you never know what your friends store for you.

It is a boom as always.

Precautions before playing Holi:

Hair- Do overnight oiling with Almond oil or olive oil. The oil will form a coat of layer and protects your hair from dryness and harmful chemicals in the color.
Skin- Rub mustard oil on your hands, feet, faces and on all exposes areas of the body. The oil help you remove the color fast and avoid any kind of dryness. Isn’t it great?
Eyes- Eyes are very delicate part of our body. Tell your friends to put colors on you safely so that you enjoy the colors of this beautiful world.
Now, if you are allergic to mustard oil, then use
·       Lotion
·       Sunscreen
·       Foundation
All above mentioned are effective for Holi colors. After you finish playing Holi, make sure that you also maintain precaution during the removal of colors.
ü  Use cold water to remove the colors
ü  Do not rub the colors with hard substances or else it will cause itch
ü  Your skin will become dry if you wash your face often
ü  After bath, use of moisturizer will make your body smooth

Holi brings happiness, fun, and togetherness. The smell of colors in the fresh air leads to another world. In different parts of India, Holi is played in different names and in different forms. However, all-in-all, stay away from harsh chemical colors and do not spoil the essence of the real Holi.

Ok friends, “Happy Safe Holi” to you…This year, my Holi will be little different in distant land…

Catch you with all new experience of Holi in my next post…..

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