Cookie Meme


Its my first time with Sunday Stealing and it is so fun....

So, here it comes:

  1. Are any of your friendships on a fine line? No, friends whom I trusted the most showed me the bad days of my life. Some friends do exist but only with only “Hi, Hello” type… I cannot express my true hearts with them. 
  2. Have you ever witnessed a birth? No!! 
  3. Where’s your favorite place to be when you feel depressed? I love to live alone on the terrace either just sitting idle or listening to music. 
  4. Are you currently looking forward to tomorrow? Yes, of course. Tomorrow always brings a new mystery. 
  5. When was the last time you held someone’s hand? Yesterday, I hold my hubby’s hand after coming out of a movie hall. 
  6. Have you ever faked sick? Yes, in my school days. I think everyone does 
  7. Are you currently wearing jeans? Nope! I am in pyajama and T-shirt right now. 
  8. Have you gone to a coffee shop within the past week? [i.e. Starbucks] My hubby makes better coffee compare to coffee shop without that extra cream. 
  9. Would you like to be able to read thoughts? Sometimes I do 
  10. Do certain swear words just roll off your tongue? Who take swear these days? I don’t! 
  11. Are you often the last one to understand a joke? Not really 
  12. Can experience be gained just by reading? Reading gives you knowledge and to gain experience implement the knowledge as per the situation. 
  13. Does playing the guitar make a person more attractive? Yups!! I am a fan of a guitarist 
  14. Have you ever slept in a tent, indoors or out? I have slept on the terrace once when I was kid and there was family function going on. 
  15. What does your hair look like at the moment? Its open and properly combed 
  16. Are you mad right now? Yes, mad about answering such questions. 
  17. Who did you spend your summer with last year? Me and my hubby in Kolkata and even went for a short trip to Tajpur 
  18. Did you eat a cookie today? No, but my computer saved some cookies.

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  1. Your computer ate cookies ... that got a smile out of me. Welcome to Sunday Stealing - hope you will come back each week!

  2. Thanks for joining in Sunday Stealing! We have fun every Sunday.

    I love your cookie answer!

  3. Lovely answers :) Specially the last one! :P



Lillie McFerrin Writes

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