Unsaid Half Relationship


"I am sharing a Half relationship Story at Blogadda in association with #HalfGirlfriend".

The story is never ending, my thoughts, my beliefs, my desires are still so fresh whenever I imagine you. Its been so many years, but somehow you always hold that unsaid position in my life. May be, you don’t even understand how I feel? I am utterly confused of my feelings too at times.  I was in class Nursery and you were in class KG i.e. (Kindergarden) then and we met. Who understands what love is at that age? No one! Somehow my eyes connect with your eyes for the very first time and instantly cupid may played his role into me. Oouch! It hurts, the presence of him bowled my nerves away, legs were likely to shiver and a kind of emptiness runs through my lower sections of the body. What the hell was happening to me?

We were friends, you were one class senior to me so practically you were my Bhaiya at school, but who cared to address you as Bhaiya, I am not at least. How can I? Tension bugs on my head and I started calling you by your name. Days to months to years and our friendship grew strong by each passing days. Am I in love? No, No it is just an infatuation, closeness that a girl and a boy can have, this was not love.

Then, there were the friends who played the actual Satan of my life and took the responsibility to let my feelings to be known. No, I did not want, neither did I stop them. What was going? Why did not I stop them? 

I was 14 years then, puberty hit me very strongly and I was flowing in my waves. I knew, I knew this was going to happen, and finally I lost my paradise, Gods of my paradise were angry, before anyone came to know, I was under scanner from then. Where was the boy? Ah! He is too shy, too fearful to admit or barely he was another 15 years old boy who barely could understand what was happening actually?

Shattered, distressed, and tearful that I was left apart, was very hard to regain. It cuts deep into your heart. Isn’t it? Pity Myself! Continued my life with all the imaginations mix with sweet memories and was happy in my own space. I was a 19 year old grown up college girl, and the chance to know your where about was very less until, the social media played the cupid role again. We talked for hours, we texted for hours still the feelings had never changed. No, we were not in relationship neither I ask for any, nor he approach, but feeling for him was more than a friend. What was this? What kind of relationship was this? Silence played a big role!

Now, happily married to respective partners, time flies so quickly, but some relationship is really hard to define, and only left with sweet memories, smile and respect.

Here comes the trailer of the movie Half Girlfriend:

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