New Week with New Dream: #WYHO


As I have decided to "Go with the Flow"and "No Expectations and No Resolutions". Haven't read it? Here is the link for you
So, the week started with a party mood hangover i.e. Sunday morning, laziness, chilly winter at home. It was only family time and cozy time with Mr. Hubby. Yah! There was no rush for office, no quick packing of lunch boxes rather it was a NO KITCHEN day for me. Yes, you got it right! Mr. Hubby was the chef for the day and sometimes we all need this kind of break for happy tummy.

From Google

Later, in the evening we went for a walk in the nearby park and we skipped the hush and rush of shopping malls in Kolkata on 1st January. So, it was kind of peaceful “US” time for hubby and me. It is said that the way we spend our 1st day of the year, the remaining days of the year also we tend to spend more or less in the same way. Well, I don’t mind spending “US” time with my dear Mr. Hubby.

The later days of last week went as same as routine life without much a change. Except about my new blog launch that I was planning since last year was at its final stage. Working on my brand new interest definitely helps me to connect with all passionate bloggers and lovely ladies out there. Stay tuned till I announce the final launch of my new blog and definitely wish for your support and love to make it as big as my Womanzie.
Hope you had a kick start week of 2017. Please do share your experience of the 1st week of January. Love to hear them.

Love you loads…

Linked with #WYHO

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