A rainy Kolkata experienced the Dragon Boat festival yesterday (21st June, 2015) for the first time in Tiretta
Bazaar. It was really a fun festival where there were different stalls, dance,
music, food and great energy everywhere. The response from visitors was quite
warming and foodaholic Kolkata enjoyed the Chinese flavor without any complaint…
Me too
Source: T2 |
From dragon dance to enchanting music, the Chinese residents
of Tiretta Bazaar make it special for Kolkata lovers. I have never been to
Tiretta Bazaar and so it is a total fun for me on this rainy season. I explored
the streets of the Chattawala Gulee and the architecture of North Kolkata,
which is amazing experience for me.
Click on their Facebook Page to know more https://www.facebook.com/dragonboatfest2015?fref=ts
Click on their Facebook Page to know more https://www.facebook.com/dragonboatfest2015?fref=ts