Safety measures for women travelers


An increasing number of rape and molestation cases force the women of today, to think twice about a solo trip. Women travel to different places because of a business trip, educational meet or just to have fun. Unlike men, women travelers face a lot of problems when they move out of their comfort zone. That does not mean you will stop traveling and will not pursue your dream.

Today, I will share some safety measures for all you women travelers. These measures help me a lot when I travel alone.

Risk assessment: It is better to have an assessment of the risk factors that you can face when you are alone in an unknown land. Get the details of the destination hat you are planning to visit and what are current situation of the place. It will help you take genuine measures before traveling to that particular place.

Self defense items in your handbags: You must keep the small and foldable knife, mid-length rope and peppermint spray in your handbag. These self defense items will keep your attackers away from you. If you find yourself in a bad position, then you can use these items to save yourself.

Note down the local police station number- Once you reach your destination, look for an emergency police station number and note down immediately. It will save you from sudden danger in a different place.

Change your look: If you are on the streets of a new place, dress up very normal and do not carry too much cash. Your appearance should be normal and if anyone asks you “Are you alone”? Say. “No” straightaway. It will help you from future risk in that particular city.

Safety in hotel: When you are in the hotel room, ask for a room which is near the elevator and in the 1st floor. Do not choose a room near emergency exists.

Traveling in cab: Sit confidently and do not take out the local map of the place. You must research on the route beforehand or use GPS app in your Smartphone. It will keep you safer than anything else.

These basic safety measures will give you the confidence to travel alone. Whatever is the reason of your traveling alone, you should always keep your eyes and ears open. Your presence of mind is the best weapon for you to have safe traveling.

Happy Journey!

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